Relief of Switzerland, a Map Painting: Imhof's Last WorkAround
1972 Eduard Imhof began working on yet another map. He composed
the relief design for this map as a multicolored aquarelle on
four sheets 1:200 000. The map was reproduced by the Federal
Office of Topography (Bundesamt für Landestopographie) in
1982 and published under the title "Relief der Schweiz, ein
Kartengemälde 1:300 000 von Eduard Imhof".

- Eduard Imhof
About my drawing and painting artistry. Sketch
for the title page of an autobiographical article.
Manuscript. Ink. 1983. 30 x 21 cm. ( J 28)

- Eduard Imhof
Relief of Switzerland 1:300 000 A map
painting. (Relief der Schweiz, ein Kartengemälde). Engadine
section (O 13)